Barbara Schaumueller

Partner of ESBC
Management con­sul­tant and busi­ness coach (accor­ding to ISO 17024)
Human Resources Manager
Trainer and tea­ching coach at the ESBA

Focus: Change in organisations


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Since 2015 self-employed as a coach and human resour­ces con­sul­tant with a focus on new working models, career choice, change and reo­ri­en­ta­tion, career plan­ning, retirement
  • Accompanying peo­ple and com­pa­nies in change processes
  • Coaching and men­to­ring for management
  • Certified European Innovation Manager
  • Teaching coach at the ESBA

Professional back­ground

  • Several years of manage­ment and lea­der­ship expe­ri­ence in human resour­ces in natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal roles
  • Project manage­ment of CRM & IT projects
  • Business stu­dies with focus on cor­po­rate manage­ment and e‑business management
  • Systemic coa­ching pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning (ISO certification)
  • Training as a men­tal coach
  • Management dia­gno­stics, com­pe­tence ana­ly­ses (INSIGHTS Talent Leadership Check)
  • Further trai­ning in sys­te­mic struc­tu­ral con­stel­la­ti­ons and nar­ra­tive work

Focal points around human resour­ces and leadership

Managementdiagnostik & Kompetenzanalysen
Human Ressources Consulting
Mentoring fürs Management
Systemische Strukturerstellung & nar­ra­tive Arbeit


Barbara lives in Vienna and has also re-estab­lished hers­elf in her ori­gi­nal home­land in Yspertal, allo­wing her to enjoy and con­nect both worlds — city and coun­try­side. She tre­asu­res nature expe­ri­en­ces com­bi­ned with phy­si­cal acti­vi­ties, whe­ther cycling, ski­ing, hiking, or climbing.

Barbara Schaumueller

„Do what you love to do and your full poten­tial can shine.“