Systemic orga­ni­sa­tio­nal development

Holistic cor­po­rate deve­lo­p­ment through an accom­pa­nied trans­for­ma­tion processes

We at ESBC are not tra­di­tio­nal manage­ment con­sul­tants. We don’t use ready-made, for­mu­laic con­cepts. Rather, our approach is that the solu­tion is alre­ady in your com­pany. With appro­priate cor­po­rate sup­port and pro­ven methods, we bring it to fruition.

This is one of the reasons why sys­te­mic orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment is so much about peo­ple. Only when they feel com­for­ta­ble with the change can a sus­tainable change pro­cess be rea­li­sed: The peo­ple must reach the level of matu­rity to be able to sup­port the trans­for­ma­tion. In the spi­rit of salu­to­ge­nic lea­der­ship, people’s well-being and per­for­mance pay off for all cor­po­rate goals.

In sum­mary: Only when human needs are lin­ked with busi­ness needs can holi­stic cor­po­rate deve­lo­p­ment be achieved.

Why sys­te­mic orga­ni­sa­tio­nal con­sul­ting makes sense

The envi­ron­ment is con­stantly chan­ging for com­pa­nies, which is why a stra­te­gic eva­lua­tion is important every year:

  • Do the goals still fit the change?
  • What needs to be chan­ged in order to con­ti­nue to be successful?

Through struc­tu­red inter­views, mind­set work, coa­ching and work­shop sup­port, we first deter­mine what poten­tial lies dor­mant in the com­pany. Based on this, ESBC crea­tes a con­cept that shows what your trans­for­ma­tion requi­res. This does not mean that a fixed con­cept is pre­sen­ted, but that it is deve­lo­ped indi­vi­du­ally with you and your employees. Through the hands-on men­ta­lity of the faci­li­ta­tors, the imple­men­ta­tion starts directly. The out­put of orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment (OD) is then a road­map of topics that will accom­pany you for the next few years and pro­mote the suc­cess of your company.

Like a tree that needs con­stant care in order to pro­duce a sus­tainable yield, we see our­sel­ves as a growth aid from the out­side. We use open inter­views to ques­tion the cur­rent cul­ture, con­cepts and pro­ces­ses. Emotional state­ments also have room to sup­port peo­ple in their deve­lo­p­ment. Only when your employees under­stand the sense of pur­pose can there be a jointly sup­ported imple­men­ta­tion and long-term change.

ESBC initia­tes a pro­cess of orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment that is sup­ported by the staff even after the depar­ture of the OD facilitators.

Our methods of cor­po­rate development

Entrepreneurial change pro­ces­ses that involve people


Strategic poten­tial development

With the help of coa­ching-ori­en­ted brie­fing dis­cus­sions, ESBC deter­mi­nes which levers and poten­tial exist in your com­pany for posi­tive change. The solu­tion deve­lops from within the sys­tem and is not impo­sed from outside.

In this phase, no fixed con­cepts are used, but a tail­o­red sup­port pro­cess is deve­lo­ped that responds to the values and needs of your company.


Individual sup­port

A jointly deve­lo­ped pro­cess plan is an initial direc­tion in which the com­pany wants to move. This is con­ti­nuously fine-tuned in order to ques­tion whe­ther the mea­su­res are still con­tri­bu­ting to the goal.

During imple­men­ta­tion, the per­spec­ti­ves of cul­ture (how some­thing is done) vs. pro­cess (what is done) are con­stantly taken into account. The sys­te­mic view com­bi­nes human needs with busi­ness requirements.


Sustainable deve­lo­p­ment

At ESBC, we are not inte­res­ted in making you depen­dent on an exter­nal ser­vice. On the con­trary, peo­ple are empowered intern­ally to carry the ongo­ing pro­cess them­sel­ves and to rea­lise sus­tainable, agile orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment even after the depar­ture of the cor­po­rate facilitators.

We con­stantly ask our­sel­ves: Is there still a need for us? Are we the right peo­ple to accom­pany you? It is important to us to deve­lop long-term part­ner­ships at eye level.

„We know what peo­ple need for change, but not where they want to go. You decide that.“

ESBC is your com­pa­n­ion for orga­ni­sa­tio­nal development

Change manage­ment with entre­pre­neu­rial and human aspects

Value-free and neu­tral attitude

Our job is to seek out your inter­nal poten­tial and help it unfold. We embrace diver­sity and do not believe we know your solu­tion in advance.

Achieving goals with enthusiasm

When we accept an assign­ment, it is only when we are fired up about your com­pany and your pro­blem. Our enthu­si­asm is palpable.

Shaping rela­ti­onships

We value con­stant coope­ra­tion and a fri­endly rela­ti­onship. We strive to build and main­tain long-term relationships.

Our sys­te­mic coa­ches for OD

Select your own team of experts to accom­pany you through the process

    Barbara Schaumüller

    Facilitator in Organizational Development

      Udo Bräu

      Systemic Organizational Facilitator

        Michael Tomaschek

        Organizational Developer

          Mathias Schrabacher

          Expert for Business Development

          Let’s get talking!

          Let’s design modu­les tog­e­ther that fur­ther deve­lop your com­pany — with tar­ge­ted sup­port and a focus on busi­ness and human needs.