Systemic lea­der­ship development

Sustainable deve­lo­p­ment of the manage­ment team with sys­te­mic coa­ching and training

Systemic lea­der­ship deve­lo­p­ment is about lea­der­ship power. This is because lea­der­ship com­pe­tence is not innate or some­thing that comes with a pro­mo­tion. It is a balance bet­ween pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­tence, social com­pe­tence and self-com­pe­tence that is lear­ned both in prac­tice and in theory. It pro­ves its­elf in ever­y­day lea­der­ship when con­flicts arise, when teams do not work well tog­e­ther or decis­i­ons with uncer­tain con­se­quen­ces must be made.

Both entre­pre­neu­rial goals and the peo­ple in the com­pany are close to our hearts. In our sys­te­mic work, we the­r­e­fore com­bine busi­ness needs with human needs.

Give your manage­ment team mem­bers sys­te­mic sup­port that offers situa­tio­nal and prac­ti­cal opti­ons for action and also works on per­so­nal development.

In the goal-set­ting pro­cess, the main issue is: What should be dif­fe­rent after the joint lea­der­ship deve­lo­p­ment and how will this affect ever­y­day life?

Why coa­ching is important for leaders

In gro­wing com­pa­nies, team lea­ders and senior manage­ment are faced with major chal­lenges such as moti­va­tion of decen­tra­li­sed and/or hete­ro­ge­neous teams, Industry 4.0, digi­ta­li­sa­tion, repre­sen­ta­tion of cor­po­rate values and role model function.

ESBC’s experts have prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence as mana­gers and a keen eye for the deve­lo­p­ment of poten­tial. This enables them to respond to the respec­tive needs of the decis­ion-makers, so that in the future the managers

  • can make decis­i­ons courageously
  • are trai­ned in coope­ra­tion and communication
  • react fle­xi­bly to change, and
  • sup­port the cor­po­rate culture.

The agile sup­port pro­cess of lea­der­ship deve­lo­p­ment pro­mo­tes the matu­ra­tion of per­so­na­li­ties through work­shops, trai­ning and coa­ching. Through these the tar­ge­ted talent manage­ment, suc­ces­sion plan­ning or the deve­lo­p­ment of the exis­ting manage­ment team is worked out.

Our methods of lea­der­ship development

With an indi­vi­dual sup­port pro­cess towards your desi­red goals


Focus on the goal

In a coa­ching-ori­en­ted brie­fing dis­cus­sion, we work out the goal of lea­der­ship deve­lo­p­ment with you. Based on this, we prio­ri­tise what is important and urgent together.

No pre­fa­bri­ca­ted con­cepts are applied, but indi­vi­dual pro­ces­ses are crea­ted that focus on your cor­po­rate values.


The sup­port process

Building on the Why, we deve­lop modu­les into a pro­cess plan. At the begin­ning there is always a mind­set work­shop in which all the peo­ple invol­ved are brought on board.

We then use work­shop for­mats, indi­vi­dual and group coa­ching, poten­tial ana­ly­ses, busi­ness games as well as shadowing, per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment trai­ning and men­to­ring as needed.


Focus through eva­lua­tion and reflection

Focus through eva­lua­tion and reflection.
Our suc­cess is achie­ved when we are no lon­ger nee­ded. We accom­pany you and your staff for as long as you need.

Regular meta-reflec­tion on the modu­les and pro­gress ensu­res that we stay on track and move clo­ser to your desi­red goal.

„Our approach: when we are no lon­ger nee­ded, we have done ever­y­thing right.“

ESBC is your exe­cu­tive coach

Bringing tog­e­ther busi­ness and human needs with heart and mind

With prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in leadership

The ESBC experts have worked in prac­tice as mana­gers. Their working methods are sty­led on pro­fes­sio­nal coach trai­ning based on the Kiel Consulting Model.

Close to you

Our sys­te­mic coa­ches are in close cont­act with you and accom­pany you through your change pro­cess. We do not deter­mine where you go, rather we accom­pany you on the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of your company.

With a “hands-on“ mentality

We are the right peo­ple for you if you want a hands-on approach. We know the day-to-day manage­ment and create empa­thic and sys­te­mic con­cepts: We accom­pany you and help you imple­ment at the same time.

Our sys­te­mic lea­der­ship coaches

Select your own team of experts to accom­pany you through the process.

    Ewald Wandas

    Expert in Management & Leadership

      Günther Großauer

      Corporate Strategist and Organizational Developer

        Lisa Tomaschek

        Health, Personality and Business Coach

          Jürgen Margetich

          Leadership Advisor and Executive Coach

          Let’s start a conversation!

          Let’s deve­lop a pro­cess tog­e­ther that will make your manage­ment team fit for cur­rent and future requirements.