Systemic employee development

Uniting busi­ness suc­cess with human needs through tar­ge­ted supports

Systemic human resource deve­lo­p­ment is based on a holi­stic approach. The skills and needs of the employees are inte­gra­ted into the actions of the orga­ni­sa­tion. Ideally, these methods achieve a match bet­ween the busi­ness needs (requi­re­ments of the com­pany) and the human needs (needs of the employees).

As sys­te­mic coa­ches, we the­r­e­fore always keep these per­spec­ti­ves in mind: both the busi­ness goals and the peo­ple in the com­pany are close to our hearts. Through the tar­ge­ted use of the three Cs (com­mu­ni­ca­tion, coope­ra­tion and con­flict), our coa­ching beco­mes an impe­tus for change, because good com­mu­ni­ca­tion is part of lifel­ong lear­ning and can always be ques­tio­ned and improved.

Together with you, and based on the needs of your orga­ni­sa­tion and the peo­ple working in it, we deve­lop methods for focu­sed fur­ther trai­ning, pro­mo­tion and qua­li­fi­ca­tion of the talents in your com­pany. So that your employees sus­tain­ably sup­port your company’s goals and stra­tegy in the long term.

Damit Ihre Mitarbeiter*innen nach­hal­tig und lang­fris­tig Ihre Unternehmensziele und die Strategie mittragen.

Which mea­su­res lead to sus­tainable human resource development

In healthy com­pa­nies, employees are the basis of suc­cess. Through the tar­ge­ted use of their indi­vi­dual strengths, pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment and per­so­nal sup­port, they can make a las­ting con­tri­bu­tion to the company’s progress.

This is where ESBC’s experts come in and work on the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of teams and indi­vi­du­als with work­shops, coa­ching, shadowing and indi­vi­dual sup­port. Nothing is impo­sed on the staff mem­bers, but rather they are given a frame­work in which to deve­lop. In this way, the ups­wing comes from within and will last noticeably.

Our coa­ching-ori­en­ted dis­cus­sions fol­low the sys­te­mic and situa­tio­nal approach. The basis of this coa­ching for human resource deve­lo­p­ment is an app­re­cia­tive atti­tude, coope­ra­tion at eye level and a focus on meaningful­ness. We are pro­cess-ori­en­ted and pay atten­tion to the inter­ac­tion of per­so­nal needs and cor­po­rate goals.

Is your goal to advance topics such as gen­der, diver­sity, vir­tual working, health in the work­place, how to deal with stress and per­for­mance pres­sure, talent manage­ment or impro­ved col­la­bo­ra­tion in the company?

Then please feel free to cont­act us …

Our methods of employee deve­lo­p­ment (ED)

With sys­te­mic sup­port for indi­vi­dual pro­mo­tion and fur­ther development


Focus on uniqueness

In a coa­ching-ori­en­ted brie­fing dis­cus­sion, we work out the goal of employee deve­lo­p­ment tog­e­ther. Regardless of whe­ther you want help with sys­te­mic staff app­raisals or would like to pro­mote com­pre­hen­sive topics such as long-term diver­sity in the com­pany, we deve­lop an indi­vi­dual sup­port pro­cess with you.

We don’t work accor­ding to pre­con­cei­ved sche­mes, rather we design a deve­lo­p­ment plan that is as uni­que as you and your employees.


Empathic poten­tial development

Based on a needs ana­ly­sis or your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments, we start with the peo­ple and create a frame­work in which you would like to fur­ther deve­lop. Through our expe­ri­ence in various orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, having worked as lea­ders our­sel­ves and our sys­te­mic coach trai­ning, we reco­g­nise what the sup­port pro­cess needs for your cur­rent situation.

Only through this expe­ri­ence and empa­thy can blocka­ges be remo­ved, a sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment crea­ted and sys­te­mic work be car­ried out.


Practical ori­en­ta­tion and consistency

We accom­pany you and your staff for as long as you need momen­tum and con­stantly reflect on whe­ther what has been taught can also be imple­men­ted in ever­y­day life.

Regular group eva­lua­tions and super­vi­sion pro­vide space for reflec­tion and fine-tuning. This is the only way to build up a con­sis­tent deve­lo­p­ment of the staff and to get clo­ser to your desi­red goal.

„Through the ‘third ear’ and the ‘third eye’, we see where there is a need for deve­lo­p­ment and we approach it in a situa­tio­nal and empa­the­tic way.”

ESBC is your com­pa­n­ion in the deve­lo­p­ment of potential

Talent manage­ment as the basis for sus­tainable cor­po­rate development

Sustainability as a goal

What has been con­veyed can only be meaningfully recei­ved if it has also pro­ven its­elf in imple­men­ta­tion and is sus­tained in the long term. That is why we focus on qua­lity con­trol in the pro­cess and fine-tune when necessary.

Suitable for ever­y­day use with supervision

Follow-up talks, super­vi­sion and reflec­tion in teams/groups open a door to what has alre­ady been expe­ri­en­ced in ever­y­day life. Through group eva­lua­tion and indi­vi­dual coa­ching, peo­ple are refo­cu­sed once more.

Space for emotions

Emotions are a fun­da­men­tal part of human beings — also in a pro­fes­sio­nal con­text. Through good obser­va­tion skills and empa­thy, we give them space to resolve con­flicts, dis­tur­ban­ces and blockages.

Our sys­te­mic employee coaches

Select your own team of experts to accom­pany you through the process

    Mary Beary

    Business Coach, Teambuilding and Teamcoachings

      Heidemarie Wandas

      Expert for HR and Potential Development

        Marcelline Langer

        Business coach

          Karin Brand

          Coach and HR Consultant

          Let’s get talking!

          Let’s deve­lop a sup­port pro­cess tog­e­ther that will turn your employees into strong sup­port­ers of your company.