Ewald Wandas

Managing Director of ESBC
Systemic busi­ness faci­li­ta­tor and consultant
Coach (ISO 17024 cer­ti­fied) and trainer
Lecturer at the ESBA

Focus: Management & Leadership 


German, English, Sign language

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Accompaniment of peo­ple and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons during and in change processes
  • Holistic cor­po­rate stra­tegy and cor­po­rate support
  • Coaching and men­to­ring for manage­ment and top management
  • ISO 17024 exami­ner and lec­tu­rer at the Coaching Academy ESBA — European System Business Academy

Professional back­ground

  • Career start as a radio and tele­vi­sion technician
  • Change to the areas of cus­to­mer ser­vice, product/marketing/sales manage­ment in inter­na­tio­nal companies
  • After many years in top manage­ment, foun­da­tion of wandas emo­tio­nal effects in 2000
  • Master of Science in Coaching
  • Advanced trai­nings in Systemic struc­tu­ral con­stel­la­tion work and Mental-Coaching
  • 2010 Foundation of ESBC — European Systemic Business Competences GmbH

Focal points around lea­der­ship and management

Group dyna­mics
Competence deve­lo­p­ment
Teambuilding & Teamcoaching
INSIGHTS – Talents Leadership Check
RELIEF – Stress- und Burnout prevention


Ewald is hap­pily mar­ried to his wife Heidemarie, lives in Lower Austria and is the father of six child­ren (Sandra *1984, Bettina *1985, Sebastian *2000, Sophia *2003, Marie *2007, Michael *2009). Ewald gets his daily balance from Nordic wal­king. He likes to com­bine this with lis­tening to pod­casts. In sum­mer, he also goes for a ride on his motorbike.

Ewald Wandas

„Please don’t treat me the way you want to be trea­ted, treat me the way I want to be treated.“