Mathias Schrabacher

Senior Consultant at ESBC
Systemic busi­ness faci­li­ta­tor and consultant
Interim Manager
Certified Project Manager IPMA Level C

Focus: Project and pro­cess management


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Accompanying com­pa­nies in tech­ni­cal-eco­no­mic-sys­te­mic matters.
  •  Specialisation: 
    • Project manage­ment accor­ding to IPMA®.
    • Optimisation of busi­ness pro­ces­ses using the methods and pro­ces­ses of the Operational Excellence Reference Model
    • Technical law

Professional back­ground

  • HTL Steyr for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring spe­cia­li­sing in motor vehicle and engine technology
  • Systemic coa­ching accor­ding to the Kiel Consulting Model, ESBA, Vienna
  • Postgraduate stu­dies in indus­trial engi­nee­ring, FH Mittweida, DE
  • Various trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion in the areas of rhe­to­ric and lea­der­ship, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, stan­dards, pro­cess opti­mi­sa­tion, pro­ject management
  • International expe­ri­ence in middle manage­ment in the buil­ding mate­ri­als indus­try (e.g. Libya and CEE)
  • 6 years of manage­ment in his par­ents’ com­pany (metal cas­ting, machi­ning, metal finis­hing, jewel­lery production).
  • Various inte­rim pro­ject manage­ment mandates
  • Development and imple­men­ta­tion of pro­ject manage­ment and docu­men­ta­tion standards

Focal points around pro­ject and pro­cess management

Certification con­sul­ting
Holistic cor­po­rate busi­ness development
Transformation design
Complexity reduc­tion & pro­cess optimisation


Happily mar­ried to his wife Margit, lives in Upper Austria and is father to Anna *2014, Lena *2016 and Jakob *2019.
Dale Carnegie

„Who wants the honey, must suf­fer the bees sum-sum.“