
Provider iden­ti­fi­ca­tion accor­ding to § 5 para. 1 ECG
The web­site and all rela­ted infor­ma­tion con­tent is pro­vi­ded to you by:

ESBC — European Systemic Business Competences GmbH
Frankgasse 1/Top 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Authorized repre­sen­ta­ti­ves:
Management: Ewald Wandas, MSc

Company regis­ter num­ber: 342864m
VAT No.: ATU65599845
Commercial court: Vienna
Chamber affi­lia­tion: Vienna Chamber of Commerce, UBIT section

Bank details: Raiffeisenbank Timelkam-Lenzig-Puchkirchen
Bank code: 34669
Account num­ber: 3343

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